SYNC Ergonomics

Thanks for booking your TT fit with Edinburgh Bike Fitting. If you are looking to upgrade your aerodynamic position and comfort simultaneously then consider upgrading your bike with the SYNC products and let us install this equipment for you pre fit so that we can make the most of your bike fit session on the day.

Use the code you received on booking for a small discount on the SYNC equipment and let us get in touch with you to organise the installation pre fit session.

sync tt bars uk

Sync 0.2

The proven simple and effective solution for athletes seeking a high-hands position. Project 0.2 is a package of components for those chasing extra comfort and extra speed, across all time-trial disciplines.

Sync ergonomics 0.2 evo on a giant trinity

Sync 0.2 evo

A highly refined package with uncompromised support for the high-hands position. EVO is a supremely integrated solution, with greater options for position optimisation, increased stability and improved aerodynamics.

Upgrade below