Bike Fitting and Bike Tours

I have never been so great at remembering birthdays and anniversaries, those of you who know me well have probably been victim to a missing birthday card or 2... But, at some point early this September we turned 1, a significant milestone for any small company.

It's been a busy old summer, but I have a couple things to say, firstly thanks for all the custom. We have managed to get the studio finished off with a second telly, a nice bit of wall art to throw in too, bought a saddle pressure sensor, done our first trade show and done some bike fitting up in Wick, Thurso, Aberdeen, Polmont, and even Tuscany! Of course , we have done a load  of bike fits, 343 to be exact, and that's the focus for me and always will be, good quality, affordable, professional, and amazing bike fits that get people comfy and faster on their bikes.

Its been a great journey to be a part of since the start early last September and watching the whole thing grow its wee arms and legs has been worth the toil that keeps on getting put in day in day out to hopefully give Edinburgh, and Scotland another Bike Fitting studio to be proud of.

Here's to another great year in business and lets hope the good bike fits keep coming.

Finally, a couple of highlights of the past year.




Edinburgh Bike Fitting



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